Handbücher, Leitfäden und Broschüren zur Agroforstwirtschaft defaf-bodenkundeleitfaden_Web.pdf (agroforst-info.de) 1. September 2022 Agroforstsysteme sind bezüglich ihres Designs hoch variabel. […]
We have contributed a book chapter to a book, which provides the first in-depth investigation of how non-timber […]
MSc student presentation at the international (online) conference “Green economy and sustainable development issues in the Kyrgyz Republic” […]
The aim of the project is to contribute to more sustainable land management in Central Asia by developing […]
From the 20th until the 22nd of September our final BAOQUALITY workshop took place in Lilongwe, Malawi. […]
Analysis of ecosystem services and socioeconomic performance of silvopastoral systems in the Brazilian Cerrado (EcoCer)
Antenne Niederrhein, Sendung vom 21.08.2022, Forum Kreis Kleve
Bildungsserver Agrar20.06.2022 Auszug aus dem Bericht: “Die traditionelle Landwirtschaft steht vor großen Herausforderungen. Die Hochschule Rhein-Waal wirkt an […]
Im Radio (FluxFM):07.05.2022, 11.00 Uhr Auszug aus dem Radio Interview: “Permakultur bedeutet, von der Natur zu lernen und […]