Recent Publications


Author(s) Title Type of Publication
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Author(s) Title Type of Publication
Amare D, Darr D (2024)
Holistic analysis of factors influencing the adoption of agroforestry to foster forest sector based climate solutions
Azarov, A, Sidle, RC, Darr, D; Verner, V; Polesny, Z (2024)
A Proposed Typology of Farming Systems for Assessing Sustainable Livelihood Development Pathways in the Tien Shan Mountains of Kyrgyzstan
Barnabas, B, Bavorova, M, Zhllima, E, Imami, D, Pilařová, T, Umar, A (2024)
The Effect of Food and Financial Remittances on Household Food Security in Northern Nigeria
Bockmuehl D, Tewes T (2024)
With a Little Help from My Friends: The Role of Detergents for Energy, Efficiency, and Hygiene in Domestic Dishwashing
Fontanet‐Manzaneque JB, Laibach N, García IH, Caño‐Delgado AI (2024)
Untargeted mutagenesis of brassinosteroid receptor SbBRI1 confers drought tolerance by altering phenylpropanoid metabolism in Sorghum bicolor. Plant Biotechnology Journal
Gangataa B., Dumenub K. W., Munthalia C., Darr D. (2024)
Business model, strategies and performance of baobab enterprises: Insight for the NTFPs industry
Hemkemeyer, M., Schwalb, S. A.; Berendonk, C., Geisen, S., Heinze, S., Joergensen, G. R..; Li, R., Lövenich, P., Xiong, W., Wichern, F. (2024)
Potato yield and quality are linked to cover crop and soil microbiome, respectively
Hupe A., Naether F., Haase T., Bruns C., Heß J., Dyckmans J., Joergensen RG., Wichern F. (2024)
I have the touch – evidence for considerable N transfer from peas to oats by rhizodeposition.
Ibrahim K., Bavorova M., Zhllima E. (2024)
Food security and livelihoods in protracted crisis: the experience of rural residents in Syria’s war zones
Joergensen, R.G., Hemkemeyer, M., Beule, L., Iskakova, J., Oskonbaeva, Z., Rummel, P. S., Schwalb, S. A., Wichern, F. (2024)
A hitchhiker’s guide: estimates of microbial biomass and microbial gene abundance in soil
Kreter AC., Passini JJ. , Staduto JAR., Rocha FdM. (2024)
Evolução da Agroindústria Rural Familiar no Brasil: um olhar para a dimensão econômica
Laibach N., Wolters SM., Riekötter J., Gronover CS. (2024)
The interaction networks of small rubber particle proteins in the latex of Taraxacum koksaghyz reveal diverse functions in stress responses and secondary metabolism
Lucassen, R., van Leuven, N., Bockmühl, D. (2024)
Biological and Synthetic Surfactants Increase Class I Integron Prevalence in Ex Situ Biofilms
Meixner O., Haas R., Imami D., Miftari I. (2024)
Consumers preferences food safety perceptions for beef – a cross-country comparison in the wake of COVID-19
Minarsch, E. L., Schierning, P., Wichern, F., Gattinger, A., Weckenbrock, P. (2024)
Transect sampling for soil organic carbon monitoring in temperate alley cropping systems - A review and standardized guideline
Oskonbaeva Z., Khan A., Hemkemeyer M., Schwalb S., Joergensen RG., Wichern F. (2024)
From dry to thrive: Increased metabolic activity, potassium content and a shift towards fungi after drying-rewetting reveals adjustment of the microbial community to osmotic stress
Oskonbaeva Z., Joergensen RG., Wichern F. (2024)
Influence of Soil Extractable Plant Nutrients on the Walnut Kernel Ionome in Southern Kyrgyzstan at Different Elevations
Schwalb A. S, Hemkemeyer M, Christensen T. B, Heinze S, Oliva L. R, Joergensen G. R, Wichern F. (2024)
Disentangling the effects of mineral fertiliser N, P and K on microbial biomass, necromass and ionome in soil from the Askov long-term field experiment
Skreli E., Xhoxhi O., Imami D. , Rama K. (2024)
What explains collective action: The impact of social capital, incentive structures and economic benefits
Tewes J. T., Harcq L., Minot P., Bockmühl P. D. (2024)
Brevity is the soul of wit – how time, temperature and detergent choice impact the cleaning performance in domestic dishwashers
Tewes J. T., Harcq L., Minot P., Bekke T. M., Bockmühl P. D. (2024)
Short and sweet: balancing energy savings and cleaning performance to identify efficient short-cycles for domestic dishwashers
Tran U., Laibach N., Bröring S., Biber-Freudenberger L.(2024)
Fostering bioeconomic transformation: Identifying spatial predictors for biocluster establishment in Vietnam's agricultural sector
Valentinov V., DriniImami I., Xhoxhi O. (2024)
Contract farming in transitional economies: A stakeholder theory perspective
Watson C., Leal H., Wichern F. (2024)
Urease inhibition stimulates fungal degradation of chitin in frass-amended soil
Wu T., Wichern F., Wiesmeier M., Buegger F., Shi L., Dippold A. M., Höschen C., Mueller W. C. (2024)
Organic carbon loading of soils determines the fate of added fresh plant-derived organic matter
Zhllima E., Xhoxhi O., Skreli E., Imami D. (2024)
Agricultural market information: How much and who is willing to pay for it?
Author(s) Title Type of Publication
Amare D, Darr D (2023)
Profitability of Smallholder Agroforestry Woodlot Innovations.
Amare D, Darr D (2023)
Can a sequential analysis provide a more robust understanding of farmers' adoption decisions? An example from an agroforestry adoption study in Ethiopia. Forest Policy and Economics.
Begimkulov E, Darr D (2023)
Scaling strategies and mechanisms in small and medium enterprises in the agri-food sector: a systematic literature review. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.
Dumenu WK, Appiah LG, Paul C, Darr D (2023)
Should forest enterprises formalize? Insight from a multi-dimensional characterization of informal baobab enterprises. Forest Policy and Economics.
Islam OK, Islam I, Saha O, Rahaman Md M, Sultana M, Bockmühl DP, Hossain MA (2023)
Genomic variability correlates with biofilm phenotypes in multidrug resistant clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Scientific Reports.
Islam OK, Islam I, Saha O, Sultana M, Bockmühl DP, Hossain MA (2023)
Genomic variability correlates with biofilm phenotypes in multidrug resistant clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Kalb J, Iurgel I, Parente A, Wiedemann S (2023)
Tierschutz erLeben. Devising a “Comic Automaton” to Innovate Learning.
Keiblinger K, Wichern F, Cong WF (2023)
Interplay between living or dead plant carbon input and soil organic matter – key drivers and agricultural management for soil carbon sequestration. Plant and Soil.
Lucassen R, van Leuven N, Bockmühl DP (2023)
A loophole in soap dispensers mediates contamination with Gram‐negative bacteria.
Neuberger S, Darr D, Oude Lansink A GJM, Saatkamp HW (2023)
The influence of the cross-border innovation environment on innovation processes in agri-food enterprises – a case study from the Dutch-German Rhine-Waal region. NJAS: Impact in Agricultural and Life Sciences.
Neuberger S, Knickel M, Klerkx L, Saatkamp H, Darr D, Oude Lansink A (2023)
Do innovation support services meet the needs of agri-food SMEs in cross-border regions? A case study from the Euregio Rhine-Waal.
Oskonbaeva Z, Maitykov T, Schwalb SA, Joergensen RG, Wichern F (2023)
No Evidence of an Elevation Effect Caused by Temperature Differences on Soil Microbial Properties in a Walnut Fruit Forest in Kyrgyzstan. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition.
Schwalb SA, Khan KS, Hemkemeyer M, Heinze S, Oskonbaeva Z, Joergensen RG, Wichern F (2023)
Chloroform‐labile trace elements in soil via fumigation‐extraction: steps towards the soil microbial ionome beyond C:N:P. European Journal of Soil Science.
Sofiullah M, Gomes Vale E, Darr D (2023)
Effectiveness of an interactive start-up simulation to foster entrepreneurial intentions among undergraduate university students: a quasi-experimental study.
Spiller M, Vingerhoets R, Vlaeminck SE, Wichern F, Papangelou A (2023)
Beyond circularity! Integration of circularity, efficiency, and sufficiency for nutrient management in agri-food systems.
Tewes TJ, Harcq L, Bockmühl DP (2023)
Use of Automatic Dishwashers and Their Programs in Europe with a Special Focus on Energy Consumption. Clean Technologies.
van der Wiel BZ, Neuberger S, Darr D, Wichern F (2023)
Challenges and opportunities for nutrient circularity: an innovation platform approach. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems.
van Leuven N, Zinn MK, Lucassen R, Lipski A, Flemming HC, Bockmühl DP (2023)
High resolution ITS amplicon melting analysis as a tool to analyse microbial communities of household biofilms in ex-situ models. Journal of microbiological methods.
Zinn MK, Flemming HC, Bockmühl DP (2023)
Helfen Bodenbakterien in der Waschmaschine gegen schlechte Gerüche?
Author(s) Title Type of Publication
Amare D, Darr D (2022)
Farmers’ intentions towards sustained agroforestry adoption: An application of the theory of planned behavior. Journal of Sustainable Forestry.
Akter R, Darr D (2022)
Composition of agroforestry systems and their impact on livelihood improvement of tribal farmers in a tropical moist deciduous forest in Bangladesh. Trees, Forests and People.
Araslanova K, Nastos J, Sommerfeld J, Megill W, Struck A, Shirtcliffe N, Neil J (2022)
On the relative extraction rates of color compounds and caffeine during brewing, an investigation of tea over time and temperature. Open Chemistry.
Brands B, Kleinke M (2022)
Astaxanthin production in Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous grown in medium containing watery extracts from vegetable residue streams. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Borges JAR, Neuberger S, Saatkamp H, Oude LA, Darr D (2022)
Stakeholder viewpoints on facilitation of cross-border cooperation. European Planning Studies.
Darr D, Dumenu WK, Gebauer J, Kasulo V, Kleinke M, Meinhold K, Munthali C, Wichern F (2022)
The potential of non-timber forest products to contribute to the bioeconomy transition: the example of baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) in Malawi. In: The bioeconomy and non-timber forest products: theory and empirical advances, edited by Smith-Hall C and Chamberlain J.
Franceschini MHD, Becker R, Wichern F, Kooistra L (2022)
Quantification of Grassland Biomass and Nitrogen Content through UAV Hyperspectral Imagery—Active Sample Selection for Model Transfer. Drones.
Kabir KH, Sarker S, Uddin MN, Leggette HL, Schneider UA, Darr D, Knierim A (2022)
Furthering climate-smart farming with the introduction of floating agriculture in Bangladeshi wetlands: Successes and limitations of an innovation transfer. Journal of Environmental Management.
Kabir KH, Uddin MN, Rahman S, Darr D, Drubo MD (2022)
Opportunities and determinants for rural youth engagement in catfish farming: empirical evidence from north-central Bangladesh. Aquaculture International.
Khondokar KH, Fuad HM, Mostafa ZN, Roy D, Darr D, Leggette H, Ullah S, Asik M (2022)
Application of the technology acceptance model to assess the use and preferences of ICTs among field-level extension officers in Bangladesh. Digital Geography and Society.
Mai TH, Hansson H, Hatab AA, Darr D, Shakur S (2022)
A risk-benefit approach to the purchase and consumption of conventional vegetables in wet markets. Appetite.
Meinhold K, Dumenu WK, Darr D (2022)
Connecting rural non-timber forest product collectors to global markets: The case of baobab (Adansonia digitata L.). Forest Policy and Economics.
Meinhold K, Darr D (2022)
Keeping Up With Rising (Quality) Demands? The Transition of a Wild Food Resource to Mass Market, Using the Example of Baobab in Malawi. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.
Minarsch E-ML, Middelanis T, Wichern F, Göbel L, Böhm C, Weckenbrock P (2022)
Leitfaden: Bodenkundliche Untersuchungen in streifenförmigen Agroforstsystemen.
Paschen B, Wrage-Mönnig N, Fritz C, Wichern F (2022)
Ability of cereal species for nitrogen uptake from cover crop rhizodeposits is not related to domestication level. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science.
Schmetz R (2022)
Methodical optimisation of drivetrains of agricultural machinery with special focus on their electrification and energy efficiency. Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific Conference Rural Development 2021.
Schwalb SA, Shiwei L, Hemkemeyer M, Heinze S, Joergensen RG, Mayer J, Mäder P, Wichern F (2022)
Long-term differences in fertilisation type change the bacteria: archaea :fungi ratios and reveal a heterogeneous response of the soil microbial ionome in a Haplic Luvisol. Soil Biology and Biochemistry.
Seifert G, Krichel P, Schmetz R (2022)
Umstellung von SPNV-Linien auf lokalemissionsfreie Triebzüge am Beispiel des Niederrhein-Münsterland-Netzes. Proceedings : 3rd International Railway Symposium Aachen.
Tewes JT, Kerst M, Platte F, Bockmühl DP (2022)
Raman Microscopic Identification of Microorganisms on Metal Surfaces via Support Vector Machines. Microorganisms.
Watson C, Houben D, Wichern F (2022)
Editorial: Frass: The Legacy of Larvae – Benefits and Risks of Residues From Insect Production. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.
Author(s) Title Type of Publication
Ade C, Pum J, Abele I, Raggub L, Bockmühl D, Zöllner B (2021)
Analysis of cycle threshold values in SARS-CoV-2-PCR in a long-term study. Journal of Clinical Virology.
Endalamaw TB, Darr D (2021)
Institutional and technological innovation for the bamboo sector as an instrument for development and climate change resilience in Ethiopia. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development.
Gallin-Anliker T, Wiedemann S, Bähler C, Kaske M (2021)
Einsatz von Antibiotika bei Aufzuchtkälbern für die Grossviehmast bzw. Fresseraufzucht auf sieben Schweizer Betrieben
Heinze S, Hemkemeyer M, Schwalb SA, Khan KS, Joergensen RG, Wichern F (2021)
Microbial biomass sulphur—An important yet understudied pool in soil. Agronomy.
Hemkemeyer M, Schwalb SA, Heinze S, Joergensen RG, Wichern F (2021)
Functions of elements in soil microorganisms. Microbiological Research.
Hetjens BT, Tewes TJ, Platte F, Wichern F (2021)
The application of Raman spectroscopy in identifying Metarhizium brunneum, Metarhizium pemphigi and Beauveria bassiana. Biocontrol Science and Technology.
Hupe A, Naether F, Haase T, Bruns C, Heß J, Dyckmans J, Joergensen RG, Wichern F (2021)
Evidence of considerable C and N transfer from peas to cereals via direct root contact but not via Mycorrhiza. Scientific Reports.
Hetjens B, Platte F, Scholz P (2021)
Und der Haifisch, der hat Zähne … .Chemie in unserer Zeit.
Jansen L, Wichern F, Gebauer J (2021)
Effect of different mechanical seed scarification methods on germination and emergence dynamics of baobab (Adansonia digitata L.). Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics.
Jaza FAJ, Darr D (2021)
Promoting cocoa agroforestry under conditions of separated ownership of land and trees: Strengthening customary tenure institutions in Cameroon. Land Use Policy.
Kabir KH, Knierim A, Chowdhury A, Darr D (2021)
What matters for the job performance of field advisors: A case of participatory forest management in Madhupur Sal Forest in Bangladesh. Journal of Sustainable Forestry.
La Tham T, Darr D, Pretzsch J (2021)
Analysis of Acacia hybrid timber value chains: A case study of woodchip and furniture production in central Vietnam. Forest Policy and Economics.
Lam OHY, Dogotari M, Prüm M, Vithlani HN, Roers C, Melville B, Zimmer F, Becker R (2021)
An open source workflow for weed mapping in native grassland using unmanned aerial vehicle: using Rumex obtusifolius as a case study. European Journal of Remote Sensing.
Lucassen R, Weide M, Bockmühl D (2021)
Virucidal efficacy of household dishwashers. Microbiology Research.
Meinhold K, Darr D (2021)
Using a multi-stakeholder approach to increase value for traditional agroforestry systems: The case of baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) in Kilifi, Kenya. Agroforestry Systems.
Meisen SA, Smanalieva J, Oskonbaeva Z, Iskakova J, Darr D, Wichern F (2021)
Intraspecific variability overlays abiotic site effects on some quality parameters of walnut (Juglans regia L.) fruits from Kyrgyzstan. European Food Research and Technology.
Neuberger S, Saatkamp HW, Lansink AO, Darr D (2021)
Can differences in innovativeness between European cross-border regions be explained by factors impeding cross-border business interaction? PLoS ONE.
Rummel PS, Beule L, Hemkemeyer M, Schwalb SA, Wichern F (2021)
Black Soldier Fly Diet Impacts Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Frass Applied as Fertilizer. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.
Schages L, Wichern F, Geisen S, Kalscheuer R, Bockmühl D (2021)
Distinct resistomes and microbial communities of soils, wastewater treatment plants and households suggest development of antibiotic resistances due to distinct environmental conditions in each environment. Antibiotics.
Schwalb SA, Hemkemeyer M, Watson C, Wichern F (2021)
Mycorrhiza Reduces Phosphorus Uptake from Struvite in Rye (Secale cereale L.) Plants. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition.
Stotter M, Wichern F, Pude R, Hamer M (2021)
Nitrogen immobilisation and microbial biomass build-up induced by Miscanthus x giganteus L. based fertilisers. Agronomy.
Stotter M, Wichern F, Pude R, Hamer M (2021)
Utilisation of Miscanthus x giganteus L. Based C-Rich Fertilisers for N Immobilisation and Microbial Biomass Build-Up in a Crop Rotation. Agronomy.
Tafesse A, Mena B, Belay A, Aynekulu E, Recha JW, Osano PM, Darr D, Demissie TD, Endalamaw TB, Solomon D (2021)
Cassava production efficiency in Southern Ethiopia: The parametric model analysis. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.
van der Wiel BZ, Weijma J, van Middelaar CE, Kleinke M, Buisman CJN, Wichern F (2021)
Restoring nutrient circularity in a nutrient-saturated area in Germany requires systemic change. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems.
Watson C, Schlösser C, Vögerl J, Wichern F (2021)
Excellent excrement? Frass impacts on a soil’s microbial community, processes and metal bioavailability. Applied Soil Ecology.
Watson C, Schlösser C, Vögerl J, Wichern F (2021)
Hydrochar, digestate, and process water impacts on a soil’s microbial community, processes, and metal bioavailability. Soil Science Society of America Journal.
Watson C, Preißing T, Wichern F (2021)
Plant Nitrogen Uptake From Insect Frass Is Affected by the Nitrification Rate as Revealed by Urease and Nitrification Inhibitors. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.
Zinn MK, Singer M, Bockmühl D (2021)
Smells Like Teen Spirit-A Model to Generate Laundry-Associated Malodour In Vitro. Microorganisms.