Raising crickets in Uganda

International Symposium at FSE

The Faculty of Science and Education, Busitema University and its partners from Germany (Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences and Hochschule Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences), co-organised the International Symposium on ‘Multidisciplinary Approach to Conserve and Farm Edible Insects for a Circular Food Economy in Uganda (CONFARMED SYMPOSIUM)’, with funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). The symposium will took place from 19th to 21st February 2024 at the Rock Classic Hotel, Tororo. It brought together selected key stakeholders from academia, research, government and the private sector to share experiences and identify synergies for initiating an international collaboration on selected entomological, socio-economic, and technological aspects of edible insect collection, farming, waste recycling and use to contribute to a circular food economy in Uganda and beyond. The scientific presentations from this symposium will be submitted for publication in the Special Issue: Conserving, farming, and commercializing edible insects for a circular food economy: multidisciplinary perspectives in the International Journal of Tropical Insect Science. The Special Issue is also open to further submissions from across the world that contribute relevant international perspectives related to the theme of the symposium.
For any queries regarding the Symposium or the CONFARMED Project, kindly contact the responsible member of the Food Systems Research Center – Prof. Dr. Matthias Kleinke : matthias.kleinke@hochschule-rhein-waal.de
IMG_20240216_111051_resized_20241018_074159564Hühnerfarm mit BSF Zucht Uganda
IMG_20240216_114822_resized_20241018_074321074BSF Larven auf Hühnerfarm 2
Chicken farm with BSF breeding in Uganda
Larvae on chicken farm

You can find more information regarding the journal by clicking here.

IMG_20240214_133053_resized_20241018_073715603Grillen zum Kosten in Uganda
Grilling to taste in Uganda