Despite extensive research on Black Soldier Fly (BSF) farming, Africa faces unique challenges due to social structures, surplus labor, and economic pressures. This project aims to address this by developing a model system and process for cooperative small-scale BSF production using locally-sourced materials, shifting from large centralized facilities to a decentralized approach.
The primary objective is to design a prototype cooperative BSF production system suitable for small-scale operations in Africa, promoting self-sufficiency and sustainable insect protein production.
The local partner organization, the chicken farm ET VOICI, in Benin will provide crucial support for fieldwork, data collection, ensuring the successful implementation of the cooperative BSF production system, tailored to the unique needs and resources of the region. This initiative aims to make BSF farming accessible to a broader population, fostering economic development and food security. ET VOICI will be able to provide local supervision, support in finding local accommodation, shared office, contacts with representatives of the University of Parakou etc.
To apply, access our page on open Bachelor/ Master thesis topics here.