The German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) regularly publishes a bilingual Research Map. This interactive map lists the research groups active at Germany’s universities of applied sciences that are of particular relevance for the institutional profile of their universities. In order to be listed on this map, a number of “hard” criteria with regard to the research output have to be met, such as the annual number of scientific publications and the third-party funds acquired. “With the inclusion of our Sustainable Food Systems Research Centre on the Research Map of the German Rectors’ Conference, the participating colleagues have reached an important milestone and impressively demonstrated how productive they are as researchers less than 1 year after the establishment of our Research Centre” said Prof. Darr, spokesperson of the Sustainable Food Systems Research Centre.
The Research Map allows you to search for the research areas that are of strategic institutional importance for each institution.
For further information:
Advanced search – Hochschulkompass (